Design Tasmania
Corner of Brisbane and Tamar streets
Launceston, 7250
+61 3 6331 5506

Designers & Makers
Design Tasmania exhibits, promotes, and provides mentoring support for Tasmanian designers and craftspeople.
We enable Tasmanian designers and artisans to show how design makes a difference, not just to a privileged few, but to all in our community.
We encourage creative risk-taking and facilitate the creation and exhibition of new works, to broaden the national and international audience for Tasmanian craft and design, and champion a culture of creativity, inclusion and innovation.
We promote Tasmania as a dynamic leader in the Australian design landscape through commitment to collaboration, innovation and meaningful action.
Our advocacy for designers can be measured through exhibition outcomes as well as professional development programs, national and international communications campaigns and more. Many of these programs prioritise our Designer Members and advocate strongly for showcasing excellence in design.