Design Tasmania
Corner of Brisbane and Tamar streets
Launceston, 7250
+61 3 6331 5506

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Designers & Makers

Yoka Douglas

(b.1946–), Amsterdam, NL

Yoka graduated from the University of Tasmania’s Centre for Furniture Design in 1995 and has since developed a small business designing and making furniture and small objects.

The inspiration for her work comes largely from the shapes of trees, particularly in the forms and spaces created where branches meet the trunks. Yoka’s respect for trees inspires her to produce items of value from timber not necessarily considered perfect or that might be considered waste.

"The making of this tray reflects my interest in working with material that might be rendered useless by a manufacturing or other process.The tray also shows my interest in many pieces making up a whole, giving the new piece a completely new meaning."

Centre for Furniture Design, University of Tasmania