Design Tasmania
Corner of Brisbane and Tamar streets
Launceston, 7250
+61 3 6331 5506

Brad Latham
(b.1963–), NSW
The curvaceous nature of the chair reveals Latham’s desire to stem away from the confines of precise, measured design which was once pertinent to his initial career and instead work in a much more flowing, sculptural, expressive manner." "An engineering patter maker by trade, Brad has always had a keen interest in woodworking. He particularly enjoys designing pieces with asymmetrical curves and rounded edges that would be difficult to make using standard production workshop equipment. He enjoys whimsy and challenging the straight lines so frequently seen in furniture. He has a great appreciation for timbers such as Huon Pine, Myrtle and King Billy Pine that take up to thousands of years to mature and believes that in respect to their age they deserve the extra few human hours demanded by creating well finished irregular shapes.
“I've been working in timber for most of my life, from woodturning to engineering patternmaking and carving, then furniture design and sculpture. Living in Tasmania (Australia) allows me to work with precious timbers such as Myrtle, King Billy Pine, Sassafras and the ancient Huon Pine.”
Studio location
Kaoota, Tasmania
Education Trade Certificate, Sydney Technical College, 1984, Field: Engineering Pattern Making; Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours, University of Tasmania, 1999, Major: Furniture Design