Design Tasmania
Corner of Brisbane and Tamar streets
Launceston, 7250
+61 3 6331 5506

INDECO by Patrick Senior
(1952–), Launceston TAS
Patrick obtained an Associate Diploma (Wood) in 1987, followed by five years experience working as a cabinetmaker. In 1992 Patrick and Mieke Loncin-Senior established Indeco (a contraction of Innovative Design Company). Patrick designs and makes the Indeco range in their workshop in the Tamar River area, while Mieke takes care of marketing and packaging.
Indeco focuses on a range of kitchenware that includes ladles, cheese boards, pepper/salt/herb and spice mills. Distinguished by their clean lines and the absence of unnecessary detail, Patrick’s designs exhibit a rare balance between functionality, aesthetic appeal and affordability. Much of his work is notable for an absence of applied finishes, allowing the bare wood to be seen, felt and smelt.
“. . . I place great importance on creating clean simple designs without adornment or embellishment and seeking beauty from line and proportion.”
Studio location Swan Point, Tasmania
Education Associate Diploma (Wood), Tasmanian State Institute of Technology, 1987