Image credit: Rosina Possingham

Designers & Makers

Phillipa till Julien

Phillipa till Julien runs and owns a small textile design business from her home studio in southern Tasmania; Till Designs. From her printed fabrics she creates a range of homewares, bags, and scarves.

‘My designs start out as an idea, inspired by the forms and patterns found in the natural environment. Initial sketches and paintings are then pared down to create the artwork ready for print.
Through this process I engage with the Tasmanian land scape where my textiles become a narrative and connection to place. I reference and transform pattern, shape, and forms found in the natural world into contemporary textiles, aiming to produce work with a sense of sustainability and beauty’.

Phillipa hand-screen prints fabric in her studio with a focus on natural fibres and high-quality materials. Through her textile practice Phillipa explores relationships between the illustration of living forms, and the creation of printed cloth and functional objects. The designs are inspired by the forms and patterns found in the natural world where she begins her drawings before refining and pairing back into an archetype to be printed.

Phillipa’s exploration into textile design started with a mentorship in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. She undertook a Bachelor of Creative Arts, majoring in Textiles at the University of Tasmania. Till Designs was established in 2014.

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