Design Tasmania
Corner of Brisbane and Tamar streets
Launceston, 7250
+61 3 6331 5506

Writing Desk
Ross Straker
1990 (Acquired by the Tasmanian Wood Design Collection in 1991).
Myrtle, leather, felt, Ebony, brass, ebonised poplar vaneer.
This hand crafted writing desk is hinged and lidded featuring a leather writing surface which opens up to reveal a large storage space. Straker’s keen attention to detail is reflected in his meticulously crafted draws which make this desk an object of functional beauty. This is further enhanced by his thoughtful choice of materials in particularly the understated elegance of the ebony detailing on the legs.
Exhibition history
Naturally Australian, Sydney, 1994
ICFF, New York, 1996
Hyatt Hotel, Sydney, 1996