Design Tasmania
Corner of Brisbane and Tamar streets
Launceston, 7250
+61 3 6331 5506

Tower Clock
Fred Fisher
Tasmanian Oak Burl Veneer, MDF, Blackwood, German Movement
1700mm (h) x 230mm (w) x 200mm (d)
The Tower Clock was developed whilst Fisher was an Honorary Research Associate at the Centre for Furniture Design at the University of Tasmania.
This particular clock is the third in a series of three clocks, which focus on displaying Tasmanian veneers to their best advantage. The result is an object of elegance and simplicity. The clock face is housed in a Blackwood case and has been inserted into the top of the tall, slender clock tower. Fisher constructed the clock tower using Eucalypt veneer with the grain running vertically which elongates its appearance.