Design Tasmania
Corner of Brisbane and Tamar streets
Launceston, 7250
+61 3 6331 5506

Snap Chair
Peter Costello
Golden Sassafras veneer, Hoop Pine plywood, stainless steel, steel & dye cast aluminium hinges, stainless steel rigging wire
825mm (h) x 415mm (w) x 420mm (d)
The Snap chair is one of a range of lightweight folding furniture (not to be confused with picnic settings). The underlying engineering principals capitalise on the great strength of laminated timber. By putting it under tension and applying curves the chair when opened becomes a tight and rigid unit. The ‘Snap’ Chair derives its name from the snapping sound made when the chair is unfolded and clicked into its upright position. The chairs were successfully manufactured over several years in the 1990s, with a total of nearly 500 chairs being produced. The Snap Chair has made it into publications such as Craft Arts International, Vogue Living Australia but most significantly it has been included in the international publication, 50 Chairs, Innovations in Design and Materials, Mel Byars, Rotovision, Switzerland. It was also included in the Best Tables Chairs, Lights, Mel Byars, Rotovision, Switzerland.