Design Tasmania
Corner of Brisbane and Tamar streets
Launceston, 7250
+61 3 6331 5506

Small Chest
Paul Bailey
Blackwood, Brass, Stainless Steel
270mm (h) x 295mm (d) x 470mm (l)
The Small Chest is constructed with Blackwood, using mortise and tenon and dovetail joinery, incorporating floating panels. Bailey has fixed the lid with bronze hinges and a stainless steel stay. The understated nature of the fastening system allows the gentle intricacy of the woven panels to maintain a sense of focus.
“In making the Small Chest I have interwoven many fragile Blackwood pieces to form a single object which, through this unity, gains strength greater than the sum of its individual parts. The ‘many pieces – one whole’ concept also relates to my view of nature and society being underpinned by innumerable, fragile and interdependent connections.”
Paul Bailey