Design Tasmania
Corner of Brisbane and Tamar streets
Launceston, 7250
+61 3 6331 5506

People and Forests Urn
Marcus Tatton
Myrtle, Carbon
735mm (h) X 410mm (Ø)
This wonderful urn was carved from one piece of myrtle. The urn’s external decoration is patterning that respects past cultures and is redolent of hieroglyphics. The images evoke feelings of forests and natural forms interacting with human perspectives. The interior represents the coexistence of man within nature by showing footprints of local fauna interspersed with the tracks of excavators and humans.
The feel of the land and forest is a central aspect of Marcus’ practice as a woodcarver. He now creates sculpture commissions around Australia and New Zealand in the private and publics realms. The themes running through the Urn are the remnants left by past civilisations; the symbols and signs of forgotten or dispersed cultures appearing in natural materials and the intersection of nature with humans.