Design Tasmania
Corner of Brisbane and Tamar streets
Launceston, 7250
+61 3 6331 5506

Entrance Table
Brendan Sharpe
Huon Pine, Myrtle, Myrtle veneer, Aluminium
870mm (h) x 1500mm (w) x 450mm (d)
The entrance table evokes elegance and simplicity through the design of its leg form. A key element is that it eliminates the need for conventional rails, thus giving a sense of lightness to the piece. The front legs are steam bent and laminated, based around sweeping aluminium curves, which form the structure of the table. The entrance table is constructed from precious Tasmanian Huon Pine and Myrtle timber, giving it a rich warm feel. Its tall, elongated and slender form makes it a perfect compliment to any welcoming space.