Design Tasmania
Corner of Brisbane and Tamar streets
Launceston, 7250
+61 3 6331 5506

‘Djembe’ Log Drum
Myrtle, Calf Skin
650mm (h) x 430mm (Ø)
The log drum ‘Djembe’ is an adaptation of the West African Djembe found predominately in Ivory Coast, Mali, Guinea and Senegal. By hollowing the drums from solid logs of Tasmanian rainforest woods, the log drum ‘Djembe’ is long lasting and maximises the resonant qualities of the native timbers. The ‘Djembe’ design has an exceptionally wide dynamic range, making it an expressive and adaptable percussion instrument, applicable to both contemporary and classical music.
Log Drums Percussion developed in 1988 when Dan Magnus and Marcus Tatton collaborated to build an experimental wooden hand drum, while training at the Centre for Furniture Design in Hobart. Log Drums Percussion became a fulltime business in 1990 and continued for eight years. Magnus and Tatton produced a variety of traditional and customised percussion instruments, sought by contemporary and classical musicians throughout Australia and overseas. The endevour was deliberately kept small scale in order to maintain contact with the individual musician’s needs. Dan and Marcus would camp for weeks to source the waste log off cuts used for the drums, which they would carve initially with chainsaws on site. Back at the studio the drums were completed, including kiln drying, carving and tensioning of the skin across the drum.