Design Tasmania
Corner of Brisbane and Tamar streets
Launceston, 7250
+61 3 6331 5506

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Welcome Back

Plan your visit with us today by booking a free timed ticket for a guided tour.

Design Tasmania are pleased to announce we are reopening from Thursday 1st October, 2020.

A recent survey of arts audiences across Australia found that 93% were ready to come back to museums and galleries and that social distancing was an important factor in this (Patternmakers, 2020).

That's why Design Tasmania has developed a comprehensive COVID Safe Plan to ensure community wellbeing when you visit us in person:

Timed ticketing for tours
Social distancing
Sanitisation stands
Capacity signage
Invigilators and exhibition guides
Digital sign-in
COVID-19 safety support materials

Plan your visit with us today by booking a free timed ticket for a guided tour.

Read Press Release

Our COVID Safe Plan