Design Tasmania
Corner of Brisbane and Tamar streets
Launceston, 7250
+61 3 6331 5506

COVID Safe Plan
Design Tasmania is open from 1st October 2020 with COVID-safe measures in place and updated trading hours.
A recent survey of arts audiences across Australia found that 93% were ready to come back to museums and galleries and that social distancing was an important factor in this (Patternmakers, 2020).
Reopening Design Tasmania
Design Tasmania has developed a comprehensive COVID Safe Plan to ensure community wellbeing for in-person visitation:
Timed ticketing for tours
Social distancing
Sanitisation stands
Capacity signage
Invigilators and exhibition guides
Digital sign-in
COVID-19 safety support materials
Plan Your Visit & Stay COVID-Safe
The health and wellbeing of our visitors, staff and volunteers and the wider Tasmanian community are our priority.All visitors are required to provide their name and contact details on arrival to support contact tracing.We understand that some community members may be cautious about returning to museums and galleries; We want to reassure you that our reopening is in line with the Tasmanian Government’s guidelines and Arts Tasmania have approved our site-specific COVID Safe Plan.We have increased cleaning frequency, handwashing and sanitiser facilities as well as capacity indicators, to help keep you safe.
COVER IMAGE: Price Hall DTWC installation view © Design Tasmania
How Can You Help?
Stay at home if you’re unwell, otherwise you may be asked to leave
Visitor capacity limits apply
Stay 1.5 metres apart from others
Avoid touching your face
Wash your hands regularly and use our sanitisation stations
Cover coughs and sneezes
Consider downloading the COVIDSafe app
What’s On At Design Tasmania?
Design Tasmania is reopening our doors this October with a survey show of our iconic Design Tasmania Wood Collection (DTWC) moving through the decades of acquisition and realisation.
Visit our Exhibitions page for all the latest exhibitions information. Please note the following:
Timed tickets are available for all guests from open to close, on the hour, every hour.
Capacity limits apply and visitors are required to register at the information desk on arrival orbook in advance via
Booked tours for special interest community groups are available upon request.Please contact to arrange.Stay connected through our online exhibitions via as well as via Facebook and Instagram.
New Opening Hours
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday–Friday: 10am–4pm
Saturday: 10am–4pm
Sunday: 11am–4pm
Public Holidays: 11am–4pm
Admission: Free*
Sponsored by the Design Tasmania Fellows Member Program

Image Credit: See Jay.
Design Tasmania are taking every care and precaution in the current climate to support the wellbeing of our members, and ensure that our organisation continues to thrive.
These uncertain times are hitting the creative industries hard, challenging a community that consistently bands together, often donating their time, talent and funds to service and uplift others. The creative sector provides comfort and an outlet from anxiety for many.
Design Tasmania have put together a list of resources to boost our design community's resilience throughout this period that include government and industry advice together with digital advancement opportunities as well as actions you can take to support the creative industry as a whole.
We are taking many of our exhibitions and events online. Keep an eye on our socials and website for upcoming campaigns that include virtual tours as well as interviews with designers and other supplementary materials.

Image Credit: Emily Dimozantos 2020.
Design Tasmania collaborates with industry bodies such as NAVA to help get better advocacy results for the creative sector with government. NAVA is working closely with national peak organisations as well as state and federal ministries and government departments to understand these impacts and represent them in detail, so that government is in the best position to consider urgent policy and funding responses.
Read our co-signed letter to Prime Minister Scott Morrison via the National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA).
Government Response To The Sector
For information about the national approach to COVID-19 and the arts, check out the Australia Council for the Arts.
View Arts Tasmania's Cultural and Creative Industries Stimulus Package.
Taking Your Business Online
For advice on digital programming and online projects and some tested advice on how to get digital right, the first time, check out this Cultural and Arts Hub article.
To put your digital aspirations into action, the Digital Ready team is available to help Tasmanians with free 2 hour, one-on-one coaching sessions and advice clinics. Read more here.
Health & Wellbeing
Protecting yourself and your family is vital. The World Health Organisation has comprehensive guidelines and advice for how best to prevent contraction and safeguard the community here.
For immediate support at this difficult time, please know that support is near:
- Call Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14 or text the helpline on 0477 13 11 14
- Beyond Blue has a comprehensive list of national help lines and websites

Image Credit: Dianna Snape 2019.